Inaugural post!

Hi guys, this is a blog I've created dedicated to my mother's recipes. This blog is mainly for family and friends who love Vietnamese home cooking; it details my mother's recipes and my attempts to recreate them. To my siblings (yes, the other four Khongs out there in the world), this is something you can look back on years from now. We've always talked about how delicious mom's cooking is and how we want to someday learn her recipes. Well, consider this blog as your guide to mommy's home cooking. Let the fun begin....

Some caveats: I couldn't convince mom to use tablespoons, etc. so bear with me. Many of the measurements were based off eyeballing mom's measurements and her use of the ever so sophisticated pho spoon. For future use, PS = pho spoon. In addition, most of these recipes are for at least 4 servings so reduce the portions as you see fit! And, all of her cooking is done to taste so add things to your liking. I suggest adding little by little it tastes right. Best of luck!

Special shout out to my brother Danh: Suck it!

My family on a cruise to Alaska :)

And finally, my inspiration for this blog. She would kill me if she knew this was posted online - muahahah 


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